Courtnee Downs Courtnee Downs

Healing through the Chaos

I lived half of my life in trauma response mode. Which honestly equated to living as only part of myself. I made decisions and choices around how I had learned to love or not love myself. I did not realize this until much later, but I was looking to find my worth in others.

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Courtnee Downs Courtnee Downs

Empowering Journey: Balancing Mom Guilt and Entrepreneurship

As mothers, there’s so many things that we worry about with our kids- Did they eat right, Are they Happy, Are they healthy, Did I remember to wash their favorite outfit? If any of those things, and countless others, falls through the cracks, Mom Guilt sets in. We want the best for our littles, and it quickly takes its toll when we start to trade our priorities for theirs. As a Mom and an Entrepreneur, that Mom Guilt seems to sink in Doubly fast!

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Courtnee Downs Courtnee Downs

New Year ~New Habits ~Better Habits

Many individuals frequently set goals that are overly ambitious or intimidating, leading them to quickly abandon these objectives due to the discomfort they experience. Therefore, our primary emphasis for the year should be on establishing smaller intentions and cultivating beneficial habits instead.

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Courtnee Downs Courtnee Downs

I’m a Goddess

When I decided to step out of my comfort zone and embrace my inner goddess

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