Fear, Faith and the Freedom to Flourish: My Path to Present Living

Hi, I'm Tasha. Marine turned mother, forging life’s pains, and creativity into a full time transformation entrepreneur.

Fourteen years ago, I was living a chaos filled life. At my breaking point, I needed real change. This made life seem a little rocky for a while. I took the next decade to make those changes. I was lonely often. What I didn't know while making those changes was, I was headed into many new seasons of life. I would master the metamorphosis concept of change. Shed one layer of myself at a time in order to make room for each new experience. 

For a long time, I was in the thick of it. Balancing the building of a successful business, raising free willed regulated children, and expanding in my own healing journey all required different versions of myself. Life never slowed down for a moment. I started a business after missing holidays, weekends, birthdays, and too many tuck-ins. I was miserable juggling jobs I hated, and decided my family deserved more. Don't misunderstand, being successful was bigger than just proclaiming I wanted it. 

Here in my story is where I became acquainted with my dear friend “Fear” as well as her bestie “Faith.” I was tested constantly on the concept of faith over fear. I battled this war for years till one day I realized I was completely lost. Having experienced lack, loss, and destruction I was ready for a new experience. Bravery. 

Packing up everything we owned and moving to Puerto Rico is where my story was truly birthed. I was done watching others live their dream life from the side lines. That bravery began to manifest in other ways besides my location. Fear ruled my life, and it affected my choices for so long. Leading me down a lesson-filled path. I had to learn to establish goals I had never believed I was even capable of. Slowly and with a lot of failure I began to experience small doses of success. 

 Growing sales (in my small business) led to a growing belief system. Each month's sales became more special as I explored my own potential and how it could help others. I found purpose in creating the quality of life we deserved in a way that also helped more people do the same. I was finally living the life I prayed for when I started my business in the first place. I loved being 100% present in Puerto Rico!!! 

 With this level of presence blessings began to present themself. I found new passions like creating jewelry from sea glass. Life for the first time felt refreshing. I fell in love with the development process. Repurposing myself the same way the ocean turned an old, shattered beer bottle into a smooth beautiful pendant. Most of the time the transformation wasn’t pretty, so I found beauty in each unique mark, shape, and texture of the glass. One of the hardest things I ever did was work on myself so deeply. Sometimes to the point of physical pain. With practice I began to understand “this is what a butterfly feels like as they lose the caterpillar.” Here is where I evolved. 

God put a book in my hand; well many books and showed me community. “Wait, you mean I don't have to do this alone?” I found other women who were also being creative, also developing, and definitely had tools I hadn't learned yet. So, I read as many books as I could get my hands on and of course found a way to still be creative. This is where I added handmade bookmarks and page markers to my business. I loved being able to help women mark the pages of their journey with beautiful trinkets. They were a way for us to beautifully mark the pages in our story with strong gestures to keep coming back. The more books I read the more evidence I found that we have the capacity to write our own story. To unravel who we once were to discover everything we always knew you could become.

 Now we create intentional pens that allow you to amplify who you want to become and write those qualities into your life daily. These pens are the conductor of the trip to your dreams. Whether that means self-love, accountability, embracing courage, feeding focus or vision casting. Writing out your story gives order to the chaos, but more importantly gives you a physical space to get to know yourself authentically and without pressure.


Empowering Journey: Balancing Mom Guilt and Entrepreneurship


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