New Year ~New Habits ~Better Habits

We are in the second week of the New Year!  I honestly can’t believe it’s 2024 already. 

In the past, the beginning of a new year meant the goal of setting New Year’s Resolutions which sound good in theory but usually by the third week we have already abandoned those resolutions.  

Many individuals frequently set goals that are overly ambitious or intimidating, leading them to quickly abandon these objectives due to the discomfort they experience. Therefore, our primary emphasis for the year should be on establishing smaller intentions and cultivating beneficial habits instead. These can consist of minor adjustments to our daily routines that yield positive results without causing excessive anxiety. Our intentions should also lean towards the smaller side, promoting gradual progress and sustainability.


In essence, it's about shifting our perspective from pursuing monumental goals that overwhelm us to embracing manageable intentions and habits that empower us to make consistent, positive changes in our lives. By doing so, we can create a foundation for long-term success and personal growth without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.

A woman journaling in her living room

Here are a few examples: 


Daily Gratitude Journaling:  Commit to writing down three things you're grateful for every day. This simple practice can improve your overall outlook and mental well-being.


10 Minutes of Mindfulness: Dedicate just 10 minutes each day to practice mindfulness meditation. It can help reduce stress and increase your ability to focus.


Reading Habit: Read at least a few pages of a book every day. This habit can help expand your knowledge and encourage a love for reading.


Digital Detox: Dedicate a specific time each day to disconnect from screens, such as phones and computers, to reduce screen time and improve sleep quality.


Learn Something New: Set aside time each day to learn a new word, fact, or skill, fostering personal growth and expanding your knowledge.


Decluttering: Dedicate a few minutes each day to declutter a specific area in your home. Over time, this will lead to a tidier living space.


Some of the intentions I am creating this year are: Daily Reading Time, Using A Planner, Hydration and Moving My Body at least 3 Times a Week…. Oh and doing this Newsletter every month!  Yay!!!


These smaller intentions and habits may seem minor individually, but collectively, they can lead to significant positive changes in your life over time. Remember, the key is consistency, and gradually incorporating these habits into your daily routine can lead to lasting improvements in various aspects of your life.


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