
Creative Workshop & Design Services

Unlock Your Creative Potential! Explore our specialized workshops and done-for-you design services to bring your vision to life. Whether you're an aspiring author, a parent looking to bond with your teen, or need ready-made journal designs, we've got you covered.

  • Adult KDP Workshop

  • Parent & Teen KDP Workshop

  • Done For You Journal Designs

Personal Growth & Leadership Masterminds

A mastermind group is a gathering of like-minded people who desire to focus on and achieve their personal and professional goals through the study of a specific set of information or material to improve their effectiveness.

Self-Discovery Group Coaching

Are you ready to embark on a collective journey towards growth and success? Our Group Coaching Sessions offer you the unique opportunity to thrive through shared insights, mutual support, and collaborative learning, while using Courtnee’s Self-Discovery Journal as a tool to unlock and understand your truest self.

We will meet via Zoom, once a week for four weeks. This group coaching is a very intimate, small women’s group. No need to worry this is a safe space where you will meet women just like you, ready to rediscover their authentic self and step into who they were truly meant to be.


1-1 Self-Discovery Coaching

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards discovering your truest self? Our 1-on-1 coaching sessions are designed to provide you with tailored self-discovery coaching using Courtnee’s Self-Discovery Journal as a tool to unlock and understand your truest self.

We will meet via Zoom where we will lay the groundwork for your progress, allowing me to understand your objectives and chart a course for growth and success.

Fearlessly Inspired Society Membership

The Fearlessly Inspired Society is a place where you will start your journey in rediscovering you. You may feel like you are a wanderer, lost on your journey and no longer feel like you know who you are. As part of this community you will go from Wanderer to rediscovering the Authentic You!

In the Fearlessly Inspired Society, we are a community of women ready to grow into our authentic selves together. You will love being apart of the community where you will be fearlessly inspired and empowered with other like-minded women.