Discover Your Authentic Self with Human Design

Written By: Mickeeley Brooke

Hi I am Mickeeley, I am a soulful, small-town mama of two from North Carolina with a passion for helping women discover their Soul Selves and guide them through inner transformation.

As we journey through life, many of us find ourselves asking, "Who am I truly meant to be?" Between career demands, family responsibilities, and societal expectations, it can be challenging to maintain a sense of self. If you find yourself yearning for a deeper understanding of your true essence and a path to decondition from limiting beliefs, Human Design offers a unique and insightful approach.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science, combining elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakras. It was developed by Ra Uru Hu in 1987 and provides a detailed map of your unique energy blueprint. This system helps you understand how you are designed to interact with the world, make decisions, and navigate your life's purpose.

The Basics of Human Design

At its core, Human Design revolves around your "BodyGraph," a visual representation of your energetic makeup. Your BodyGraph is created using your birth date, time, and place. Here are the key components:

  •  Type: There are five Types in Human Design: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Each type has a distinct way of interacting with the world and making decisions.

  • Strategy: Each Type has a corresponding Strategy that guides how to best use your energy and respond to life's opportunities and challenges.

  • Authority: This is your decision-making compass, helping you know when to say yes and when to say no.

  • Centers: The BodyGraph includes nine centers, similar to chakras, which can be defined (colored in) or undefined (white). These centers govern different aspects of your life and personality.

  • Profile: Your Profile is a combination of two numbers that describe how you learn and grow, as well as your life's theme.

Discovering Your Authentic Self

Human Design is often referred to as the "science of differentiation." It celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and encourages us to embrace our true nature. Here’s how Human Design can help you discover your most authentic self:

  1. Understand Your Energy Type: Knowing your Type (Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector) helps you understand how you best interact with the world. For example, Generators thrive on doing work they love, while Projectors excel in guiding and directing others.

  2. Follow Your Strategy: Each Type has a Strategy that aligns you with your natural flow. By following your Strategy, you can reduce resistance and experience more ease and satisfaction in life. For instance, Generators are designed to respond to what life brings them, rather than initiating action like a Manifestor.

    3. Trust Your Authority: Your Authority is your internal decision-making mechanism. It guides you to make choices that are right for you, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life. Whether it's your sacral response, emotional clarity, or another authority, learning to trust it is key.

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Deconditioning from Limiting Beliefs

One of the most powerful aspects of Human Design is its focus on deconditioning. Throughout our lives, we are influenced by societal norms, family expectations, and cultural conditioning. These external influences can lead us away from our true selves. Human Design helps you recognize and release these conditioned patterns.

  1. Identify Conditioned Centers: Your BodyGraph reveals which centers are defined and consistent and which are open and more susceptible to external influences. Understanding this can help you identify areas where you might have taken on beliefs that aren't truly yours.

  2. Embrace Your Undefined Centers: Rather than seeing undefined centers as weaknesses, Human Design teaches you to embrace them as areas of wisdom and potential growth. For example, an undefined Identity Center can lead to a journey of discovering who you are, free from societal labels.

  3. Reclaim Your Authenticity: Deconditioning is a process of peeling away the layers of conditioning to reveal your authentic self. It requires patience and self-compassion, but the reward is a life that feels true to who you are at your core.

Ready to begin your journey with Human Design? Start by getting your free BodyGraph online then download this free Type & Authority cheatsheet I created for you. If you’d like a professional Human Design Reading, you can purchase your report for a 40+ page breakdown of your unique design. Your authentic self is waiting to be discovered.


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