Empowering Journey: Balancing Mom Guilt and Entrepreneurship

Written By: Sara Golding

As mothers, there’s so many things that we worry about with our kids- Did they eat right, Are they Happy, Are they healthy, Did I remember to wash their favorite outfit? If any of those things, and countless others, falls through the cracks, Mom Guilt sets in..We want the best for our littles, and it quickly takes its toll when we start to trade our priorities for theirs. As a Mom and an Entrepreneur, that Mom Guilt seems to sink in Doubly fast!

Let me start from the beginning. Hi! I’m Sara Golding. I’m the owner of Sunny Girl Sundries (Handcrafted Soaps, Candles & More) and Sunny Girl Business Solutions (Bookkeeping & Profitability Coach). I’ve been in business since 2015, when my daughter was four years old.

Ten years ago, I embarked on the path of entrepreneurship while navigating motherhood with a young child by my side. I’m big on goal setting, and the WHY behind those goals. I started my business so I could make some supplemental income, while staying home with my daughter. On paper, this all seemed like a great idea. It wasn’t long before the emotional rollercoaster of balancing the demands of being a mom with the pursuit of my professional dreams started to come to odds with each other.

The constant juggling act of attending to my child's needs while striving to meet the demands of my growing business took its toll on me emotionally. There were days when I questioned whether I was capable of fulfilling both roles effectively, moments of doubt and guilt crept in, threatening to derail my aspirations. Let me tell you- It was hard!! The internal struggle of believing in yourself to achieve long term success compared to the immediate needs of a little girl who simply wanted to play and spend time together is not something I would wish on anyone.

My daughter is a teenager now, and life is different for us. What hasn’t changed, is the MOM Guilt I see in my fellow women entrepreneurs. Not a day goes by that I don’t see the stress and the drain on the faces of women who are in the same boat that I was 10 years ago. It’s not enough just to tell them that it will get better, even though I know it will. Kind words only go so far to alleviate the pain and anxiety from MOM Guilt.

So here’s some real advice. When looking for a solution, look for balance. 10 years ago, co-working spaces weren’t really a thing, much less ones with child care attached to them. 

Reallocate funds in your business budget to utilize those spaces once or twice a week. You’ll be more productive when you aren’t staring down a pile of laundry and breakfast dishes. You’ll also feel more comfortable knowing  your kiddos are playing and having fun in a safe environment.

Set clear goals of what you need for your revenue, and where your sales channels are to get there. Make a hard focus on those things and outsource where you can

Finally, my personal favorite- Gamify the system. If you are in business to better your life, be present with your kids, or whatever your WHY is, don’t forget the rewards. Every week that I made my sales goals, I took my daughter out for ice cream and we celebrated. It felt good to have something tangible to remind us of why I was working. My daughter got to take part in that reward and we were spending time together, which was my WHY. She saw what hard work could accomplish, and she felt more involved in the process.

To my fellow business owner moms who find themselves in a similar struggle.  Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and never lose sight of the incredible impact you are making, both in your child's life and in the world of business. It’s hard, but so worth it in the end.


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